Traditional logistics companies had an oligopoly, which led to penny-pinching practices that mistreated floor staff, ignored customer demands and raised prices.
Then, a group of likeminded logisticians chose to challenge the industry giants in the name of fairness. Koorier was created to add value for each stakeholder in the shipping experience.
The result: a better-for-all delivery service for drivers, brands, customers and the planet.

Going the extra smile

We’re designing tomorrow’s delivery experience, powered by innovative logistics technologies. Despite our ambitions, we’re just a group of skilled friends working to unify the delivery process and create risk-free package transits for all Canadians.

Above all, we’re humanizing shipping. So whether you’re shipping, tracking, buying, or driving with us — you’ll notice a few more smiles than usual. That’s because we work smarter, with a culture that breeds happier clients, customers and drivers.

About Koorier

The Koorier way

We use our hearts as much as our brains.


End-to-End Execution

We strive to consistently deliver on commitments, meet deadlines, and provide dependable services.

Secure dropoffs


Our customers are at the center of everything we do. That’s why we work to understand their needs, provide excellent service, and build long-term relationships, based on trust.

25 Years Expertises


We value our employees, provide fair work conditions, internal opportunities for growth, and a shared sense of ownership.



Always being transparent and ethical, while upholding high standards of professionalism.



We own our work. If we say we’ll deliver something, we do it. And if something goes wrong, we fix it. It’s about being someone our customers can count on, every time.


End-to-End Execution

We strive to consistently deliver on commitments, meet deadlines, and provide dependable services.

Secure dropoffs


Our customers are at the center of everything we do. That’s why we work to understand their needs, provide excellent service, and build long-term relationships, based on trust.

25 Years Expertises


We value our employees, provide fair work conditions, internal opportunities for growth, and a shared sense of ownership.



Always being transparent and ethical, while upholding high standards of professionalism.



We own our work, never blame external factors or make excuses — we overdeliver however we can, whenever we can.


Global Citizenship

Being a global citizen means we learn and grow together. We care about our planet, using less packaging and driving cleaner vehicles, and we support each other in doing better. It’s about making a positive impact, learning every day, and helping when we can.

Koorier Employee

The sum of great people

Empathy-driven, we’re creating a better last-mile delivery service so businesses, consumers and employees can have a better experience. Combine this with our technological innovations and sustainable approach, and you’ll see why we’re like no other logistics company.

Our careers

Koorier Last-Mile Blogs

Join us as we dissect industry trends, unveil our technologies, and showcase how our 100% electric vehicle (EV) fleet is paving the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future in the Last-Mile delivery industry. Whether you're a business looking to elevate your delivery services or a consumer passionate about supporting sustainable practices, Koorier Last-Mile Blogs offers valuable insights into the future of logistics.

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Co2 Cloud

Configurable workflows

Customize order fulfilment procedures according to business needs, including configurable Proof of Delivery (POD).Customize order fulfilment procedures according to business needs, including configurable Proof of Delivery (POD).


Configurable workflows

Customize order fulfilment procedures according to business needs, including configurable Proof of Delivery (POD).

Blog Thumbnail

Configurable workflows

Customize order fulfilment procedures according to business needs, including configurable Proof of Delivery (POD).

Blog Thumbnail

Configurable workflows

Customize order fulfilment procedures according to business needs, including configurable Proof of Delivery (POD).

Partners get better prices

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Our 24/7 customer support will ensure every request is handled on time